Yellur is a village and Gram panchayat in the Belagavi district, state of Karnataka, India. It is situated at the foot of a small hillock locally called Yellurgad, 6 km to the south of the city of Belagavi. It is a village with multiple temples dedicated to Brahmalling, Kalmeshwar, Lakshmi, Dattatreya, Parameshwara, Hanuman and Changaleshwari. The jatr…Yellur is a village and Gram panchayat in the Belagavi district, state of Karnataka, India. It is situated at the foot of a small hillock locally called Yellurgad, 6 km to the south of the city of Belagavi. It is a village with multiple temples dedicated to Brahmalling, Kalmeshwar, Lakshmi, Dattatreya, Parameshwara, Hanuman and Changaleshwari. The jatra in honour of the goddess is held during Chaitra, when about 20,000 people participate.