The answer, it turns out, traces back 3,000 to 4,000 years, to the ancient Babylonian festival of Akitu, celebrated in April, ...
Want to exercise more, read more, save more money or travel more? Maybe you need to move to one of these places.
Struggling with New Year's resolutions? Waiting until April, when stress is lower and energy is higher, might be the key to ...
The majority of New Year's resolutions fail. Maybe a new approach is called for—one that prepares you for the opportunities ...
A recent report reveals that those around the City of Jackson struggle to stick with their New Year’s resolutions.
'Tis the season again, and New Year's resolutions are back in full force. Even though the motivation for change and new goals ...
T he start of a new year is a natural time for reflection and goal-setting, with many people using this opportunity to make ...
Working on new year's resolutions? Louisiana counselor looks to pursue positive change and healthy goals without compromising ...
The president-elect, his wife, and adult children spent their New Year's Eve at Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Florida.
I always make New Year’s resolutions, but I rarely keep them all. Most of us choose our resolutions with hope and optimism.
New year, same old New Yorkers. Only 70% of Empire Staters planned on even attempting a New Year’s resolutions this year, ...
While working out with Snyder, our reporter found that there was definitely something to the professor’s advice.