Known as a paradoxical response, some people experience a worsening of diabetic retinopathy after quickly lowering a high A1C. Nerve damage caused by diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy.
In patients with T1D, cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome and diabetic gastroparesis have similar symptoms but different ...
The tests used to check for prediabetes or diabetes can help determine a diagnosis. The A1C test is a blood test that measures the percentage of sugar attached to hemoglobin, a protein in red ...
No, not that number, your A1C. Your A1C measures the amount of sugar in your red blood cells and gives an average of your blood sugar over a three-month period. Why is that important? After all ...
Blood sugar levels and your A1C average are tied to overall health ... including those used to treat diabetes-related nerve damage (neuropathy), can also cause dry mouth. Your healthcare team ...
C. Ronald Kahn, M.D. President and Director, Joslin Diabetes Center What is the A1c blood test? The hemoglobin A1C test is a measure of what we call long term glucose control. The way this works ...