Directed by Ridley Scott, this film revolves around the story of a General named Maximus who is betrayed by Commodus, emperor ...
Children of Men is one of the best action thrillers of the 2010s. Director Alfonso Cuarón’s dystopian movie is set in 2027, with humanity battling infertility issues for around 20 years.
If you've already watched "Ad Vitam" on Netflix and want to follow it up with another high-octane feature, here are five more great action thrillers that you can watch right now, and where you can ...
Below is a list of action thrillers in a similar genre: Released in 2016, the action drama Kabali marked the biggest-ever opening for a Tamil film at the time. Directed by Pa. Ranjith, the film ...
If you're in the mood for some thrilling chase scenes, you could do a lot worse than the 2010 Phillip Noyce thriller. The post 5 female-led action thrillers like Anna, the #1 movie on Netflix ...