Zomato co-founder Akriti Chopra resigned from her post, the company said in its filing on September 27. After a long stint of 13 years, Chopra said that she has some other interests also to which ...
Akriti Chopra, co-founder and chief people officer of Zomato, has resigned from her role. The resignation will be effective from September 27, 2024. What Happened: On Friday evening, Zomato ...
Akriti Chopra is the vice president of finance and operations at Zomato, an online and mobile restaurant search and discovery service that provides in-depth information for over 1.4 million ...
Online food delivery platform Zomato has elevated its Chief People Officer Akriti Chopra as a co-founder, as the company plans a $1.1 billion IPO later this year. In an internal email sent to ...
Akriti joined Zomato as a senior manager of finance & operations back in November of 2011. Since then, there was no looking back for her. We'll be in your inbox every morning Monday-Saturday with ...