The M48 Patton tank, which is owned by US Army Central (USARCENT), was transported from Shaw Air Force Base to Fort Knox's Logistic Readiness Center for a preservation project in late September.
Finally, on Dec. 26, a beautiful sight appeared in the distance: a Sherman tank bearing the American star. The advanced elements of Patton’s Third Army were on their way, carving a tenuous ...
Official sources revealed today that a U.S. embargo on arms shipments will be lifted within 30 days to allow the shipment of Patton tanks to Jordan to replace the losses suffered in last June’s ...
Thus, the quicker reload time in combat would have been key for American tank crews. Equipped with a 105mm cannon as its main gun, the M60 Patton lived up to the legacy of the man it was named ...
Within days, Patton's Third Army had relieved Bastogne, and to the north, the 2nd U.S. Armored Division stopped enemy tanks short of the Meuse River on Christmas. Through January, American troops ...
Born in Denison, Texas, Eisenhower began his military career as a West Point graduate in 1915, and concluded it as Supreme Commander of NATO (the North American ... Patton's expertise in tank ...