The video, in addition to other research, provides a glimpse into their mysterious reproductive habits, Australian researchers said.
She and her colleagues also filmed an Antarctic blue whale mother and calf - the biggest animals on Earth - feeding in the same area. Mothers and calves, filmed by an international research team ...
The largest animals on earth, the critically endangered Antarctic blue whales were detected acoustically ... for this rare and poorly known species. Whale project leader Dr Jennifer Jackson ...
Amongst other places, the blue whale is native to the Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica. The massive whale is slightly longer than three London double decker buses parked in a line ...
From animal journeys across oceans to the discovery of dozens of new species in the deep sea, these stories wowed us ...
To see so many blues back in the waters around South Georgia is tremendously encouraging Scientists say they have seen a remarkable collection of blue whales in the coastal waters around the UK ...
The study, published in Science last month, conducted a worldwide assessment of ship-strike risks to whales. Researchers drew on about 435,000 records of whale locations, combining the data with ...
The Australian government is responsible for protecting five whale species within its waters, including the humpback and blue whales ... the ban on whaling in the Antarctic.