For many people, medications may be needed to treat high blood pressure, but for everyone making lifestyle changes can make a ...
Discover how controlling blood pressure can protect your brain health, as groundbreaking research shows an impressive ...
Background High blood pressure (BP) is a leading cause of illness, and bilateral measurement of BP is recommended in IOC's preparticipation health examination. Still there is limited data on BP in ...
New research challenges traditional blood pressure measurement guidelines by showing that public spaces, even noisy ones, ...
"In contrast to prevailing beliefs, our finding suggests that the impact of a noisy public space on BP readings is small and ...
If you have high blood pressure, your heart has to work harder than normal to pump blood throughout your body. Over time, hypertension can lead to serious medical problems including stroke ...
Major heart health risk factors like obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure remain on the rise in the United States, ...
Background No data exist on ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in athletes. Objectives To identify ABP and examine recommended follow-up of high office blood pressure (OBP) in male professional football ...