The 2023 horror-thriller served as an adaptation of "The Captain's Log" chapter from Bram Stoker's Dracula, revolving around the crew of the titular merchant ship as they unknowingly transport the ...
While Nosferatu isn't officially an adaptation of Dracula, it's still very much a Dracula movie, and it succeeds where other ...
From the silent era's Nosferatu to 2024's Nosferatu, this is a ranking of every main not-quite-Dracula movie released over ...
The result is not just a fine film. It may be the best cinematic “Dracula” ever made.
Dracula. He then learns that he can't get rid of him because he has a lease so he has...a Dracula Situation.
In October 2023, the Stoker fan came across an unfamiliar ... He said 1890 was when he was a young writer and made his first notes for Dracula. "It's a classic Stoker story, the struggle between ...
After a sold-out debut New Zealand tour in 2023, the iconic Gold Coast show Dracula’s announces today it is set to return next June with a brand-new high-energy spectacular, Sanctuary.