John & Yoko," a documentary about John Lennon and Yoko Ono's time living in Greenwich Village, will be released by Magnolia ...
Magnolia Pictures has secured the North American distribution rights for One to One: John & Yoko, a documentary offering an ...
Magnolia Pictures has landed North American rights to “One to One: John & Yoko,” a documentary that offers an expansive and ...
"Joining a lineage of absurd, riotous bowling comedies, 'The Gutter' knocks them down in grand style," Magnolia Pictures co-CEOs Eamonn Bowles and Dori Begley said in a statement obtained by TheWrap.
“‘One to One: John & Yoko’ is a revelation,” said Magnolia Pictures co-CEO’s Eamonn Bowles and Dori Begley. “Kevin Macdonald has given us an incredibly fresh, marvelously human and ...