Here's what weather does to the batteries under your EV, and a few steps you can take to help them last longer.
With this technology, we’re not only improving performance but also promoting the mainstream appeal of electric vehicles." ...
This material, referred to as the ‘Pulsating Heat Pipe’, is composed of aluminium alloy and refrigerant and is placed between ...
Discover the cutting-edge of energy storage with solid-state batteries, where innovations in inorganic solid electrolytes are ...
Features like heat pumps, which prevent significant drops in range, are now standard on newer models. A survey finds that a ...
AI may be best known for making inept artwork, but it has great potential in EVs as well, especially in battery management.
Volvo Cars experienced a 3% year-on-year decline in sales during December, with 73,804 cars sold, as the market for hybrid ...