In typical Bethesda fashion, Fallout 4 is hiding quite a few unique secrets, and you probably won't discover these 10 right away. As a player's relationship with their companion of choice evolves ...
When traveling with X6-88 in the Commonwealth, the Synth Courser will make a funny remark that sheds a whole new light on the ...
Unique Perk: "Attack Dog." Can bite and hold on to enemies for greater damage. Gained by reaching level 4. Perk level is increased when you reach levels 9 and 25. Dogmeat doesn't discriminate ...
"Strong, go forth into that explosion to make sure the enemies are dead!" Command your companion to enter your power armor! You can take it with you everywhere you go, and they won't use up any ...
Dog lovers are in for the biggest treat in these open-world games, where they're joined by the goodest of boys.