If its leaves are wilted in the morning ... Kousa dogwoods are native to Asia and bloom about a month later than flowering dogwood. The trees look similar, but kousas have pointed flower bracts ...
Is your dogwood not flowering or do you notice signs ... If you see wilting leaves in morning, water the tree immediately and thoroughly. Description: Small, brownish-purple spots with tan centers ...
By summer, the tree develops glossy green leaves, providing lush foliage, while its smooth, gray bark adds a layer of texture. As fall approaches, the flowering dogwood undergoes a transformation ...
A popular ornamental tree, flowering dogwood occurs naturally in many forested regions ... dogwood trees for signs of infection and have a trained eye look at trees or leaves that show signs of ...
The name comes from the dogwood tree, a flowering tree known for its delicate white or pink blossoms. Since dogwoods tend to bloom in April or May, a sudden drop in temperatures around this time ...