The new 175-car parking area, is adding on to the current 1,880 parking spaces which include cars, truck cabs and trailers, ...
HATFIELD, Mass. (WWLP ... Residents and businesses will be able to connect to the new sewer system. The town has been working on this project since 2016. WWLP-22News, an NBC affiliate ...
Dropping through Hatfield residents’ letter boxes this past week is Hatfield Town Council’s Annual Report Summary.
From wartime requisitioning of private (aristocratic) property in Hatfield House, suburban house extensions, to its New Town, Hatfield’s urban fabric becomes a palimpsest of the Report’s ideas, ...
The documentary investigates whether Hatfield is the fifth most boring city in the world, after a travel website claimed that the town had a "lack of notable attractions and limited cultural offerings ...