The Movie has brought the beloved Nickelodeon show back in a new form and given a fresh spin to this superhero universe.
Four years later, Jace Norman is back in the saddle/supersuit reprising his role as Henry Hart, aka Henry Danger in the upcoming movie, and he’s joined by other original series cast members Ella ...
The Movie was released on January 17, 2025, on Paramount+ and Nickelodeon. The Joe Menendez-directed film is taken from the namesake series that aired between 2004 to 2020.
Henry Hart is back, but not all is what it seems in the new trailer for the upcoming Henry Danger The Movie! Jace Norman reprises his fan-favorite role of Henry Hart, aka Kid Danger, in the ...
Henry Hart is back, but not all is what it seems in the new trailer for the upcoming Henry Danger The Movie! Jace Norman reprises his fan-favorite role of Henry Hart, aka Kid Danger, in the ...