It was in 1975 that the first episode of Saturday Night Live aired, an exceptional music show that became iconic as days passed. The post Fan’s Can’t Comprehend Jeff Gordon’s Iconic 22-Year-Old Cameo ...
Look at Richard Petty. Look at Dale Earnhardt. Look at Cale Yarborough. Then look at Jeff Gordon. That's not the same picture. Jeff helped bring mainstream young America in to our sport," says ...
Rick Hendrick picked Jeff Gordon up at the age of 22, and now the latter is in search of the future of Hendrick Motorsports. The post “The Real Jeff Gordon” Jumped Through Hilarious Hoops to Sign the ...
Jeff Gordon reflected on the heartbreaking 2004 Hendrick Motorsports plane crash and the emotional strength that led to Jimmie Johnson's Atlanta victory.
A dominant figure in NASCAR history, Jeff Gordon is a four-time Cup Series champion. He also has three victories under his belt in the iconic Daytona 500 for the following years: 1997, 1999 ...