Since Monday, a coalition of armed gangs in Haiti have waged war on mountaintop communities above Port-au-Prince, the capital ...
One of our staff members had to hurriedly lay his wife to rest in a tomb without a coffin as he fled for his life.” ...
Le Syndicat de la Police Nationale d’Haïti (SPNH-17) alerte sur un complot orchestré par certains hauts responsables visant à ...
Des maisons incendiées, du bétail volé… les assaillants ont tout emporté sur leur passage en début de semaine dans la commune de Kenscoff, laissant la population en plein désarroi.
The United States helped trained a new SWAT team in Haiti with the help of a police ... launched coordinated attacks in the community of Kenscoff, moving on several fronts to take over several ...