The current administration wants to go after protesters using an obscure Cold War-era statute.
But news reports and McCarthy’s prepared text suggest that he painted a dark picture of the Cold War. The senator asserted that five years after winning World War II, the U.S. was losing around ...
Clay Risen examines Cold War hysteria in an even-handed way, trusting readers to make the connection between McCarthyism and ...
In “Red Scare,” Clay Risen shows how culture in the United States is still driven by the political paranoia of the 1950s.
McCarthy's excesses were finally checked a year later in 1954, on nationally televised hearings, but the Cold War continued. The mood of fear and suspicion would linger across the nation for years ...
Joseph McCarthy The Post-Crescent ... themselves locked in a battle over the course of postwar events. The Cold War had begun. As the relationship between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. deteriorated ...
Schrecker, "No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities," New York City: Oxford University Press, 1986; William G. Robbins, “The Academy and Cold War Politics: Oregon State College and the Ralph ...
This communist witch hunt therefore became known as ‘McCarthyism’. The term also refers to outlandish, sensationalist, unproven accusations of communist sympathy and connections. McCarthy's ...