“Beast Games” is a thrilling new reality show created by Mr. Beast, where contestants face extreme challenges for a chance to win massive cash prizes. Combining physical endurance, mental ...
Now, Beast Games has finally been dethroned for the first time since launch by a new Amazon Original Series, On Call, a ...
As with other Mr. Beast-related projects, Beast Games was a massive undertaking, with an incredibly high production budget and amazing filming locations. The content creator went to great lengths ...
Pictured: Mr Beast counts down to a challenge with Beast Games contestants behind him. / Mr Beast via YouTube YouTuber MrBeast has experience in many industries, from content creation to ...
MrBeast’s Beast Games just broke another record, becoming the most-watched unscripted series on Prime Video with 50M viewers.
YouTube’s largest creator Mr. Beast has released the first two episodes of his new show Beast Games over the course of the last week, instantly rising to the #1 most watched show on Amazon Prime.