The nine days of Magha Navratri, also known as Gupt Navratri, is celebrated to worship the nine forms of Goddess Shakti.
Navratri is a festival dedicated to the worship of the nine forms of Goddess Durga, with each day honoring a distinct form of ...
Navratri Colours 2024: The nine-day festival of Navratri is here ... between devotees and the divine energy of the Goddess. Each colour is thought to carry a unique vibration, enhancing devotion ...
in which nine different forms of Goddess is worshipped on each day. The puja rituals for specific days are given below: The tenth day ‘dashami’ marks the end of the Navratri celebrations and is ...
colour and music during the festival of Navratri. Starting on Thursday, the celebration honours Durga, the mother goddess who is associated with protection, strength and motherhood. On each day ...
Magha Gupta Navratri is an important festival in Hinduism that celebrates the power and divine energy of Goddess ...
The festival of Navratri is a nine-day festival of music and dance when Hindus worship the female face of the divine. During this time goddess Durga ... is away from each other and when we ...