Partial thyroidectomy involves the surgical removal of one lobe of the thyroid gland ... thyroidectomy at the Monash University Endocrine Surgery Unit between August 1992 and June 2006.
Ronnie Platt is on the road to recovery after undergoing surgery to treat his ... "It's contained to my thyroid. I just have to have my thyroid removed. Go through some rehab time and be right ...
Many individuals who need their thyroid or parathyroid glands removed are potential candidates for scarless thyroid surgery. Ideal candidates for this type of scarless thyroid surgery may have the ...
Kansas singer Ronnie Platt has given fans an update on his health after undergoing surgery for thyroid cancer.
Her name is Gaia (a fictional name to protect her privacy) and at 32 years old, she had to undergo a partial thyroidectomy, which means the removal of part of the thyroid due to a hyperfunctioning ...