We study the effects of social security reforms on retirement and sectoral behavior in an economy with multiple pension systems. We develop a general equilibrium life-cycle model with heterogeneous ...
Danylo Hetmantsev, a member of the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People faction, chairman of the parliamentary ...
The UK proudly boasts the largest pension and long-term savings system in Europe. Its pension fund assets alone stand at ...
Chile's Congress approved a reform to the country's controversial private pension system on Wednesday, clearing the way for ...
Pension benefits are set in state law, not union contracts. That means the retirement systems need to get lawmakers on board for most reforms. Despite the strong investment returns for the past ...
Nationwide analysis from the Equable Institute reveals Illinois state pensions remain fiscally unstable, underscoring the need for systemic reform.
Parliament will debate about a change in legislation that would require a vote of approval by a fund's participants before ...
The most pressing issue facing Illinois is the massive debt owed to our public pension systems; our five state plans are ...
Chiles Congress has passed a landmark pension reform, set to be signed by President Gabriel Boric. The bill, approved with ...
Chile’s Congress gave its final approval to a reform that will boost pensions for current and future retirees, handing ...
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile's Congress approved a reform to the country's controversial private pension system on Wednesday, clearing the way for the bill to be signed by President Gabriel Boric.