How river lines create immersive trips through themed sailingsMusic, golf, cycling, gastronomy, history, gardening, books, art -- the themes are endless, and more departures are coming as ...
The 40-year-old man, believed to be a British tourist, was taken to hospital in Puerto Santiago, Tenerife, yesterday. Another holidaymaker spotted the scene unfold from their nearby balcony - and ...
The incident happened around 2pm on Monday at a sea cave called Charco El Tancon in Puerto Santiago in northern Tenerife. Witnesses to Monday’s accident reported seeing a group of tourists ...
La Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife junto a la Fundación Club Baloncesto Canarias y con la colaboración de la ...
La Autoridad Portuaria y el CB Canarias impulsan la novena edición de un torneo que contará con actividades de carácter gratuito ...