How do behavior, morphology and physiology act in concert to improve a male's reproductive success ... and the evolution of mating systems. Science 197, 215-223 (1977). Gibson, K.
The male reproductive system has two testes (singular ... oviducts where a sperm might fertilise an ovum. Looking for more science resources to share with your students? This series of short ...
such as phthalates," can also disrupt the development of the male reproductive system," Levine added, speaking with CNN. Even climate change and the environment could play a role. A 2022 study ...
Aa Aa Aa A mating system describes how males and ... which may negatively impact the female's reproductive output. The importance of male mate choice is controversial. Older theory predicts ...
In a study of early embryonic development in primates, an international research team under the leadership of Berthold ...
Studies have suggested that genes under strong sexual selection tend to evolve rapidly, particularly those associated with ...
The Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery fellowship is a one-year ... productive in writing book chapters and developing research projects ranging from basic science to clinical or surgical in ...