and so on to the end, to the invisible end, through the tenuous labyrinths of time. —Borges (OI 119). 1 Borges shares this baroque fascination with paradoxes, metaphysical games, and infinite ...
The essence of life and the universe to Borges is an inexplicable maze, a labyrinth: "I have only my perplexities to offer you. I am nearing seventy, I have given the major part of my life to ...
And how can Borges help us grapple with our mortality, our confusion, our doubts? Josh and Ray explore the labyrinth with Héctor Hoyos from Stanford University, author of "Beyond Bolaño ...
Borges published ‘Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings’ in 1962, so it only seems right that he was remembered in the form of a labyrinth. Randoll Coate, who was a friend of Borges ...
New Directions, $24.95 (320p) ISBN 978-0-8112-1875-7 This mesmerizing volume preserves the eclectic, erudite, and charismatic style of Argentine writer Borges (Labyrinths) and his insights on ...
There Borges postulates an identity the basis of which is a tautology: the infinite book and the labyrinthine garden nominally come together as The Garden of the Forking Paths, an imaginary novel by ...