These are the best Dota 2 heroes 7.38 Update has to offer, according to pro players' matches at PGL Wallachia S3.
While the above are the top five carry heroes in Dota 2 at the time of writing, they are not the be-all-end-all in the meta. Other heroes in the carry role that are worth mentioning currently include ...
Although it seems like he's got a rivalry going on with Tidehunter in Dota2, over 80 lines specifically aimed at insulting him" Reply to fan: "there's pretty much a joke interaction line with every ...
Although he is a prominent figure for the NA Dota, Jacky "EternaLEnVy" Mao’s professional career started a decade ago with No Tidehunter, which later would ... has the same enjoyment” of playing Dota ...