Tokyo, a bustling metropolis with a population of 14 million, was once known as Edo. The city’s transformation began over 400 ...
The Japanese iteration of the Eiffel Tower serves ... you'll be able to spot Mount Fuji in the distance. The Tokyo Tower also has its own cafe, where patrons can sip tea while admiring the views ...
Lang, a fluent Japanese speaker, has built relationships ... Upon checking in, I was escorted to a room with a glorious view of the Tokyo Tower [think the Eiffel Tower aglow with the orange ...
There are plenty of skyscrapers that provide a bird's-eye lookout in Tokyo, including Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Skytree. So what makes the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Tower special? It's free!
(Courtesy Accor) The replacement tower will host the Tokyo flagship of Pullman ... Another capsule is on display at Japan’s Museum of Modern Art Saitama. Meanwhile, Centre Pompidou in Paris ...