A newly released study commissioned by the city offers three different routes the city could take to address its trash issue.
Entities tied to Pece of Mind Environmental Inc. bought a closed landfill in Groveland for $11.4 million, aiming to reopen it ...
A special e-waste drop-off event April 5 at computer refurbisher BlairTech in Latonia will kick off a vibrant partnership ...
Omaha has perhaps the most distinct celebration in college basketball: banging trash cans. Here's why the Mavericks do it, ...
The DEP is holding a public meeting Wednesday about a proposed discharge permit involving Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill.
Bondad Landfill, the last stop for La Plata County garbage 11 miles south of Durango, has seven years before it is expected ...
The Rutherford Countywide politics of Middle Point Landfill has sparked competing messages to either reject or allow expansion.