In the late 1970s, Chrysler designed a small but spacious van that looked and handled like a station wagon. Introduced in late 1983, the Dodge Caravan was a major success. Strong sales helped Chrysler ...
The view master was first introduced at the New York World's Fair (1939-1940.) Made by Sawyer's Photo Services, the device showed stereoscopic three-dimensional pictures. Originally intended as an ...
Mrs. Elizabeth Lord Lakeman, who was born 1767 in Ipswich, Massachusetts, and died 1862 in Hallowell, Maine used this pillow, pattern and bobbins to make bobbin lace most of her life. Mrs. Lakeman ...
“There is a big difference between a wit and a comic. A wit is someone who uses bigger words to get smaller laughs.” In the history of American comedy, Phyllis Diller is a unique trailblazer. Her ...
This lesson plan outlines topics for short research projects and classroom performances related to the Mexican War. Have students select individuals connected to the Mexican War, perform research, and ...
The Rex Cycle Company of Chicago, Illinois manufactured this three-wheel bicycle in 1898. The bicycle was designed by Bohn C. Hicks, who obtained three patents on this type of machine (patents, ...
“I Like Ike” is one of the most memorable campaign slogans in American history. It was based on the nickname of Dwight Eisenhower who became famous not as a politician but as a military leader. A five ...
Inverted glass display jar with cork stopper on bottom. Black lettering is directly applied to glass: "SALICYLIC / ACID / SYNTHETIC." Bottle is full of powdered salicylate. One of seven (7) objects ...