Izzy's Arcade is currently in early development, but we'll be keeping a beady eye out for more details as they are revealed... particularly surrounding that potential Dreamcast release. For more ...
But there was another Dreamcast-themed footy event which preceded the Dreamcast Beach Football Challenge; an event which until very recently had completely passed me by, and an event which is almost ...
It's been a couple of months since Dream Disc '24 —a brand new homebrew development jam for the Sega Dreamcast— wrapped up, providing us with a variety of awesome new software for our favourite white ...
In the late 1990s, with the bitter taste of the Saturn's commercial flop lingering in their mouth, and the looming presence of a gargantuan new competitor on the scene, the folks at Sega rallied round ...
The Sega Dreamcast's library is home to a lot of exceptional games, but one of its biggest strengths is undoubtedly fighters. Such standouts as Power Stone, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Soulcalibur ...
The Sega Dreamcast's library is home to a lot of exceptional games, but one of its biggest strengths is undoubtedly fighters. Such standouts as Power Stone, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Soulcalibur ...
Maximum Speed is a white hot racing game that will thrill all your senses. Not my words - the words of whichever advertising guru came up with the guff adorning Maximum Speed's European marketing ...