In 2013, entrepreneur Freddy Macnamara needed to lend his car out for a few hours but realised it would be impossible. UK law requires vehicles driven on public roads to be covered by insurance, which ...
Our journey began on May 20, 1933 with five aircraft and fewer than 30 employees. From these humble beginnings, Turkish Airlines has grown to become the carrier that flies to more countries around the ...
As an industry, online gambling has boomed in the past decade. Yet despite impressive growth, a social stigma has kept many outside investors at arm’s length iGaming Capital, a firm that provides ...
With the global economy still reeling from two world wars and one devastating depression, the worldwide community decided on a new approach to international relations: liberalism. Forsaking the power ...
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Despite inauspicious beginnings, Indra Nooyi’s business acumen has pushed her to become one of the leading figures in the global food and beverage industry PepsiCo's product range has rapidly expanded ...
It was revealed, in a survey carried out by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP) in 2019, that 90 percent of the 200 cities around the globe that were polled were considered to be unaffordable ...
In 2008, a hyperinflation crisis destroyed Zimbabwe’s currency. The embattled African nation appears to be heading down the same route once again, but this time, there’s no light at the end of the ...
The journey to net zero is proving a hard one. The fine words and ambitious targets of COP conferences are not easy to turn into reality and the changes in government policy, especially in the UK, are ...
Zara’s highly responsive supply chain places it at the forefront of fast fashion. The store’s unique processes mean that competitors will find it difficult to replicate its success Zara's fast and ...
In the event of economic crisis, a country’s banking system is saved at all costs. When Iceland made the decision to go against the grain and let its banks fail, no one could have predicted the ...
Ursula Burns made history as the first African American woman to lead a Fortune 500 company when she became CEO of Xerox in 2009. Her journey from a tough childhood in public housing to the top of ...