Birth rates, housing prices and increased education options have impacted the number of children in public schools.
The ozone season in Dallas-Fort Worth lasts most of the year hotter weather can have an impact on ground-level ozone and the air quality.
While those passing by in cars may not know his name, Matthew Doolan has made quite a name for himself. He is the current Texas sign spinning champion
It's springtime in Texas! So grab your camera and embrace the tradition of all Texans getting their photo taken amid the blue sea of flowers.
Mercy Culture pastor Landon Schott, whose Mercy Culture Preparatory Academy has a measles vaccination rate of 14.29%, posted a video on Instagram.
South Tarrant County was under a tornado warning, and sirens sounded across Fort Worth and other cities because of severe storms. Damage ranges from downed trees and power lines to a collapsed warehouse building.
DBJ’s nonprofit list primarily focuses on 501 (c)3 organizations that are headquartered in the Metroplex and are are actively serving Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Grayson, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant and/or Wise counties. Hospitals and schools were not included.
Charlotte visits the North Texas Mean Green after Nik Graves scored 32 points in the 49ers' 78-76 loss to the East Carolina Pirates.