Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Studio Pierrot fumbled big time with their misrepresentation of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha's character in the Naruto anime as ...
Sasuke could finally regain his Rinnegan in Boruto. This power up could allow him to compete with other characters.
As a result, pop culture is habitually paying lip service rather than helping the actual cause. Lack of knowledge on the part ...
Masashi Kishimoto’s Obito revelation in Naruto shocked fans, shattering theories and making him one of the series' most ...
If you have yet to read the latest issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Naruto, Issue #2, be forewarned that we’ll be exploring some spoiler territory. For those who need a refresher on this new ...
Anime has introduced us to many friendships, but there are only a few that can be considered the best of all time.
Anime often presents characters initially seen as villains, only for their stories to reveal how wrong our opinions were ...