Comedian Groucho Marx famously once said that he did not wish to be a member of any club that would accept his membership. Marx' comment, joking aside, highlights a key aspect of the communal ...
Should we socialize more? Or find the right personal balance between solitude and socializing? Is solitude the problem or the stressors that drive some people to spend time alone?
A political scientist explains how a confluence of personality traits and perceived status loss can encourage some people to generate chaos as a solution to their woes.
The U.S. and the world are moving away from democracy and toward autocratic rule. Psychological research suggests several ...
In Stuck, Yoni Appelbaum argues that the US’s golden age of mobility is over. But maybe it never existed in the first place.
Genetics played a surprisingly minor role in overall longevity. Age and sex explained 47% of the variability in mortality, ...
The researchers anticipated that participants with high levels of negative emotionality or neuroticism would have higher ...
For most of us, getting less than seven hours of sleep translates into grogginess, sluggish thinking, and an overwhelming ...
Anxiety is a natural response to stress, but when it becomes persistent and overwhelming, it develops into an anxiety ...