Monterey Bay Whale Watch said more than 1,500 dolphins were spotted by the company's scouting boat when it went out to perform a survey.
Most toothed whales, dolphins and porpoises make clicks and whistles, while baleen whales make deep ... song to navigate surprisingly complex and nuanced social relationships. Pods have unique calls ...
In 2014, scientists first heard a unique sound coming from the waters around the Mariana Trench. Experts weren't sure what it was, but now a team of researchers led by Oregon State University have ...
These whales' massive heads and jaws accommodate hundreds of baleen “teeth.” Rights and other baleen-feeding whales use a comblike strainer of baleen plates and bristles to ensnare tiny ...
Hopeful signs for declining grey whale population Unlike humans and other mammals, baleen whales don’t have ... that travel across oceans and whale pods. As loud as whales’ songs are ...
Unlike humans and other mammals, baleen whales don't have teeth or vocal ... are known to compose elaborate songs that travel across oceans and whale pods. As loud as whales' songs are, modelling ...
Bowheads have the longest baleen (filter-feeding system) of any baleen whale, up to 13 feet long. They use their baleen to filter plankton from the water ...
Major risks to baleen whales. Examples of NA right whales killed by (a) ship strikes (b) Entanglement in fishing gear. Image credits: (a) Marine Animal Response Society, collected under federal SARA ...
Unlike humans and other mammals, baleen whales don't have teeth or vocal ... are known to compose elaborate songs that travel across oceans and whale pods. As loud as whales' songs are, modelling ...
Blue whales, which have baleen plates, feed by taking huge mouthfuls of water ... These whales are highly social and spend the vast majority of their lives swimming in large pods of family members, ...