LINDEN, MI - A rare bobcat sighting in a Genesee County neighborhood has sparked curiosity among residents, with a Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division representative weighing in ...
Don't run. Make lots of noise. If these tactics aren’t working, spray the bobcat with water and fight back if the animal attacks. If you live in Tucson, the Arizona Game and Fish Department ...
Kathy Quimbach was a nongame information specialist for the state's Division of Fish and Wildlife, and part of her job ...
A woman driving down North Woodstock Road saw a bobcat in the road Tuesday morning and stopped her car to avoid hitting it. When she stopped the car, the bobcat sat down in the road and then ...
A Massachusetts police officer is recovering after being attacked by a bobcat last week. According to Southbridge Police Chief Shane D. Woodson, officers were dispatched to Woodstock Road to ...