This is a gathering of magic cards, but not in the way you'd think. Here are five card-based magic items from D&D.
From the awful match that main-evented to the great match that should have, here are three things we hated and three things ...
Oh! began as a horror manga, but these origins have been increasingly buried by each new installment in the anime franchise.
Gi-Oh! anime. While some of the enemies faced by Yugi Muto, Jaden Yuki, and the other protagonists in the franchise have been ...
The author made a few bucks donating sperm back in the day. Thirty years later, there was a phone call. Then another one.
Many artists will go above and beyond for their fans, but that didn't mean it got any easier trying to play these songs in and out of the studio.
The Witcher 3 is able to immerse you in that very special mood that is familiar to fans of The Elder Scrolls and Gothic.
Get free Steam accounts and keys for Elden Ring! Find out how to easily and quickly access the game without spending money.
And scattered throughout are those little moments of bookstore magic – a perfectly placed reading chair next to a window, a step stool that allows access to the highest shelves, or an unexpected nook ...
The vinyl record section at Snoopers is a music lover’s paradise, organized with the care of a serious collector but ...
Flipflop Solitaire is a single-player card game based on Spider Solitaire ... Adventure RPG with a dark world where you have to go a long way in search of a magic book. You will destroy many monsters ...