McDonald's iconic McFlurry is a surprisingly new addition to the menu, and it's been through a lot of changes since it was ...
We often see the results of evolution, but not the process directly. Now, scientists have been treated to front row seats of ...
The player who broke Simpson's historic record needed an extra game to do it, but the NFL also expanded to a 16-game schedule ...
Smithsonian paleoanthropologists explore how the year brought us closer to understanding ancient human relatives and origins ...
Board members expressed concerns over high fees, editorial independence, and use of AI in editorial processes.
That’s starting the change. According to the U.S. Faster Payments Council, 70% to 80% of financial institutions in the U.S.
"Within the past 50,000 years most of the variation that is seen among human populations evolved," said researcher Jason ...
The second best-selling midsizer in the United States of America can trace its roots back all the way to 1972, the first year ...
Light helps explains the evolution of our skin color, why some of us have curly hair, and the size of our eyes. And light ...
Convergent evolution is when similar features that have a similar form or function evolve in species from different periods ...
Darwin was just 22 when he set out on a voyage that would change the way humanity understands itself and the natural world ...