Fault-tolerant digital circuit design is a critical area of research aimed at ensuring the reliability and performance of electronic systems, especially in environments where errors can occur due ...
Quantum computing remains something of a holy grail in the world of technology: It promises a huge leap in computing power, ...
French quantum startup Alice & Bob has raised €100 million ($104m) in a Series B funding round. The company said the funding ...
Canadian company Xanadu has developed the world's first scalable, networked photonic quantum computer prototype.
Gothenburg, Sweden - Mach 11, 2011 – Aeroflex Gaisler AB, a wholly owned subsidiary of Aeroflex Holding Corp. (NYSE:ARX), a leader in fault tolerant processor design and announces today a new fault ...
The 3.3V GPIO FT library provides general purpose bidirectional I/O cells that are fault tolerant. These programmable, multi-voltage I/O’s give the system designer the flexibility to design to a wide ...
Toronto-based quantum computing company Xanadu claims that it has figured out how to network quantum computers together, one ...
Xanadu has achieved a world-first in the quantum computing industry by successfully building a universal photonic quantum computer consisting of four modular and independent server racks that are ...
First, a novel augmented plant is constructed by fusing the system state and the reference trajectory, which aims to transform the optimal fault-tolerant tracking control design with actuator faults ...