From goofy pairings like Magikarp & Wailord to the iconic Latios & Latias GX Alternate Art, these are Team Up's top cards.
From the Latios & Latias GX to fantastic full art trainers, these are the best Sun & Moon era cards in the Pokemon TCG.
Virizion V Box is another bargain. Fusion Strike has some strong chase cards, including Gengar VMAX and Espeon VMAX Alt-Art, so it's well worth ripping open. Lost Origin’s Giratina V ...
The alternate art Machamp V is a standout ... but it is still worth opening if you are after Espeon or Gengar. Lost Origin has one of the best alternate arts in the game with Giratina V.
While many mechanics like Tag Team, GX, V-Star and more have cycled in and out of the game, there are few as beloved as Trainer’s Pokémon, which makes Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Journey Together such ...
but they have their own unique art and often look drastically better than the regular ones. In Genetic Apex, the Mewtwo pack includes Venusaur EX, Articuno EX, Gengar EX, Mewtwo EX, and Marowak EX.
While you won't get to play as every Pokemon in the series, there are lots of fan favorites like Mewtwo, Pikachu, Blaziken, and Gengar to choose ... the hand-drawn art style is gorgeous, and ...
At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in late February, an increasingly familiar scene played out: A museum was restituting a work of art, giving back something from its collection to the place where ...