Speaking of which, the cast of Suits LA is made up of quite a few memorable faces, many of whom you’re bound to recognize from other beloved shows. And as an added bonus, there’s even an OG ...
And because the entertainment industry’s favorite idea these days is to bring back popular brands by any means necessary, last night brought with it the debut of Suits LA on USA’s sister ...
As Yvonne Villarreal writes in this week’s Break Down, “Suits LA,” premiering Sunday, moves the action to the City of Angels — specifically the world of entertainment law — and she has ...
La Cámara de Apelaciones en lo Comercial se sumó a la rebelión judicial contra la Corte Suprema. De manera unánime, los camaristas decidieron que no enviarán en apelación sus fallos al ...
About 200 students and faculty turned out to protest a move to put two key Chapman University vice presidents, including from the DEI office, on administrative leave.
Griffith Observatory sits on the south face of Mount Hollywood and overlooks the Los Angeles basin. Its location gives visitors impressive views of the surrounding area, which many rave about.
La reciente anulación del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) por parte del gobierno de Donald Trump ha suscitado una profunda preocupación entre miles de inmigrantes venezolanos en Estados ...
Premio Lo Nuestro 2023 tuvieron tres grandes ganadores de la trigésima quinta edición: Grupo Firme, Karol G y Sebastián Yatra, al alzarse los mexicanos con seis... Detenidos dos alcaldes del ...
Ana Maria Marković, jugadora croata del Sporting de Braga ha subido este vídeo a sus redes reaccionando al Real Madrid vs. City.