It’s important to try something you will be bad at − something outside of your previous experience and skills, something ...
Every Paris Fashion Week designer's front row has an unspoken uniform: ruffles and platform wedges for Chloé, pleated skirts ...
The cave is a rite-of-passage program that uses emotional training and martial arts to develop African American ... their façades of toughness for gi uniforms that prepare them for Brazilian ...
The uniforms are as stylish as they are functional, with silver-embroidered martial arts gi, linen shirts, and even personalized tie-dye options for creative expression. "Some parents admitted ...
Per Wikipedia, BJJ is a self defense martial arts and combat sport ... wear a traditional kimono-style uniform in the former and athletic wear in the latter. Gi is more technical and emphasizes ...
Just as the Tuskegee nurses dispensed their duties with honor and distinction in uniform, many went on to fill medical leadership roles in their communities, with some, such as Raney, continuing ...
"The regiment I joined wore the Zouave uniform and only two persons, a cousin and a particular friend, members of the regiment, knew that I was a woman," Williams said, according to Army archives.
“He vowed to ban drag performers from [the Center’s] stages, and as the saying goes, ‘We’re all born naked, and the rest is drag,'” he said before stripping down to his birthday suit in ...