26 When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. You will eat, but you will not be satisfied.
In Luke 14:26, Jesus declares, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters — yes, even their own life — such a person cannot be my ...
Moving beyond the tithe: A new covenant mandate The concept of tithing originates in the Old Testament, where the Israelites were commanded to give a tenth of their income to support the Levites, the ...
Friendship, a covenant, romance—no matter what you call it, David’s love for Jonathan is one of the Bible’s most beautiful ...
The biblical books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy outline what’s called a “sabbatical year,” extending that practice of periodic rest to every seventh year. During that sabbatical, the texts call for ...
Amid the launch of the second Trump administration on Monday, one thing marred the new U.S. president’s week: a sermon of compassion from Bishop Mariann Budde, held in the same place she once laid ...
30 "A tenth of the land's produce, whether grain from the ground or fruit from the trees, is God's. It is holy to God. 30 "One-tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain from the fields or fruit ...
The book of Leviticus is admonished for being boring: protocols for sacrifices, priestly garments, the dimensions of the Temple, and laws upon laws. It becomes an inside joke in churches. The ...