Always begin your marketing planning processes by strategically selecting your initial target market and creating detailed ...
From advanced advertising tools to dynamic pricing and international expansion, here are my best tips for how to thrive on ...
Soaring cocoa prices and the cost-of-living crisis are pushing confectioners to rethink pricing, pack sizes, and innovation.
Marketers must challenge biases, embrace data-driven insights, and rewrite the rules to drive growth in a world where ...
Pricing decisions are often reactive, based on crude cost-plus formulas or gut instinct. This approach is not just outdated; ...
For example: These are just a few examples of B2B digital marketing strategies we’ll detail ... and the average price paid per click for each keyword. To rank higher for these keywords, outbid ...
In the latest episode of Marketing Week’s subscriber-exclusive webinar, The Lowdown, leaders discuss how marketers can drive ...
Consumer Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said on Thursday that the Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has issued notices to ...
The use of AI represents a whole new stage of the e-commerce ecosystem. Capacity of manipulating data, automating operations, ...
Understanding consumer behavior is the cornerstone of any successful business strategy. In Nigeria, a country of over 200 million people with a median age of just 18, consumer spending is driven by a ...
Your customers don't think the way you think they do. These counterintuitive marketing tactics can help you connect.