Ntando Duma recently shared a video from her family vacation with her husband, Una Rams, and daughter, Sbahle Mzizi Fans were captivated by Una Rams' accent in the video, with many joking that it ...
Naledi Aphiwe sparked a heated debate on social media when she shared pictures with her alleged boyfriend. Fans said the 18-year-old singer is still too young.
Russian politicians such as Vitaly Milonov the United Russia party member of the State Duma for Saint Petersburg see this trend as dangerous, describing fortune telling as a “satanic ritual” and Tarot ...
A week ago, Candice Modiselle shared her engagement news. The talented actress, media personality and host, took to Instagram with pictures of herself and fiance. They both rocked coordinated blue ...
She is allegedly married to Unarine ‘Una Rams’ Rambani in a cosy and private traditional ceremony. Ntando Duma has even changed her Instagram name to accommodate her new Mrs title after tying the knot ...