Concurrent with the emergence of the polka was the booming popularity of brass bands and the invention of a variety of squeeze boxes - accordions and concertinas. Innovative tinkerers in France ...
his son and two cousins joined him and formed a polka band, starting with gigs at the former Slovenian ballroom in Herminie. Today, Joe Jr. and his son Mike are both part of the house band at Hofb ...
Break out your dancing shoes and flouncy skirts. Two Rivers High School Polka Band will perform April 5 in the ...
welcomed all the smiling faces on Fat Tuesday, March 4, whether they were picking up a few dozen paczki or dining in to enjoy the live polka band. Shawna Tripp, a Krzysiak’s House Restaurant ...
Once the staple music of nearly every social event, polka style country and western bands are fewer these days, however, aging fans still fill a room to hear them play. Bob Wepruk, Sam Matichuk ...
In the 2017 Netflix movie The Polka King, the popular Hollywood actor Jack Black stars as the Polish singer and band leader Jan Lewandowski, better known by his American stage name: Jan Lewan. The ...
The Chardon Polka Band will be coming to the Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Road in Chardon, for “Beer & Hymns.” This free musical event will take place from 3 to 5:30 p.m. March 23 ...
When a band starts playing “Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie,” perhaps you know the next words are “Who’s not ready, holler I.” ...