At the Chennai home of Subbu Subramanian, Pongal is an “intense” and unique celebration. “In most communities, only one pot of pongal is prepared per household. But in Chettinad households ...
Sweet and savoury Pongal dishes reflect the duality of life—joy and sustenance, indulgence and simplicity. As you savour these dishes, remember the rich folklore and mythology they carry in every bite ...
Last year, we made around 40,000 pots for Pongal, but this year the number has increased to 60,000 due to higher demand,” he told Bernama. This writer had the opportunity to make a clay pot at ...
A tapestry of Malaysia’s rich cultural heritage came to life at the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple Bukit Kiara in Taman Tun Dr ...
Pongal Putham (New Pot) – Symbolising prosperity, a traditional clay pot or a modern ceramic pot is a perfect gift to celebrate the harvest. You can even customise it with a personal touch.