The plaintiffs claim that they developed cancer due to the medication Zantac, which is used to relieve ... or “other procedurally appropriate mechanism.” In addition, the court also has ...
With this mechanism, researchers can expect more reliable and precise data, which is critical for advancing their understanding of particle physics. The research team is optimistic about the ...
Researchers describe the neural processes behind how morphine relieves pain. This is valuable knowledge because the drug has such serious side effects. In a study published in Science, researchers ...
Morphine is a powerful painkiller that belongs to the group of opioids. It blocks signals in the pain pathways and also increases feelings of pleasure. Morphine acts on several central and ...
Delaware's highest court said on Tuesday it will hear an appeal by GSK GSK.L and other drug makers seeking to end more than 70,000 lawsuits claiming discontinued heartburn drug Zantac caused ...
Ten of the plain­tiff-cho­sen ex­perts ex­pect­ed to tes­ti­fy in lit­i­ga­tion over whether the heart­burn drug Zan­tac caused can­cer will be re­viewed by the Delaware Supreme … ...
Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and rival drug manufacturers, including Sanofi, Pfizer and Boehringer Ingelheim, have won the right to an appeal hearing by the Delaware Supreme Court ...