The artifact emerged from the ruins of an ancient Roman building-turned-workshop in Sicily from the second or first century BCE.
Chillwave godfather Chaz Bundick calls in to talk to Dave Schilling about his new, totally free record, 'Samantha,' featuring Kool A.D., Washed Out, and Rome Fortune.
Pope Francis will visit Rome's iconic Cinecittà film studios for the first time as part of the Roman Catholic Holy Year ...
Cities have always inspired filmmakers by serving as the backdrop for stories that show how people live, work, and dream.
The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, participated in a service of Vespers in Rome last Friday (January 24), which was ...
Professor Mary Healy of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Michigan discusses her appointment to the Dicastery for Divine Worship ...
Pompeii, the ancient Roman city frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, is one of the most significant ...
Pope Francis is to visit the legendary Cinecittà Film Studios in Rome on 17 February as part of the calendar of events for ...
Hadrian was a well-educated and cultured leader with a deep love for Greek culture, earning him the nickname “Graeculus” or ...
Archaeologists have discovered multiple artifacts depicting ancient Greek deities in the ancient city of Finziade in Sicily.
The lentil-shaped objects were unearthed in Hadrianopolis, an ancient city in modern-day Turkey, that once hosted a Roman ...
A scholar of medieval Christianity explores the history of Christians who spoke out, unafraid to risk official censure or ...