I've put together a massive list of the best SNL skits of all time, from classics like Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood and Matt Foley to bizarre gems like Dr. Beaman's Office and Massive Head Wound Harry.
Questlove's documentary, Ladies & Gentlemen... 50 Years of SNL Music, highlights the show's most iconic musical performances and comedy sketches — and addresses the show's "unhummable" theme song.
One “Jeopardy!” contestant had a bit of a blunder when it came to a Céline Dion hit. Drew Goins, a Hawaii-based journalist ...
In the middle of the promo, Chalamet gets a text reminding him that he has a scheduled appearance on The Tonight Show ...
EXCLUSIVE: The Mother Lode, the second comedy special from SNL writer, actress and stand-up Rosebud Baker, is set to premiere ...